Prolific Football Club [pfc].

About Prolific Football Club [p.f.c].
The Prolific Football Club
Was Founded At 2006.
Prolific football club extension designated in Nigeria
west Africa as one of the prolific teams, [styled the golden club]
'Nicked Named The Parrots',
founded at 2006 as one of the world most fanciest teams self privately
owned football club owned by Africas most prolific king
[p.f.c] stays true "&" original to the religion of soccer.
founded - 2006.
founded by Joshua king bolatunji imahfidon .
Stays True "&" Original To The Religion Of Soccer.
the prolific stadium
stays true "&" original to the religion of soccer.

official website coming soon.
Curtesy The Caffè Fashion Blog Global "&" Universal.