About the caffè fashion blog, owned by Joshua King bolatunji Imafidon.

Hey Am Joshua a Creative An Innovator And a Craftsman Have Specifically Created this Online Fashion Blog Called The Caffè Fashion Blog to Promote every creative work to the facial view of the public my intentions are of a good source and I intend to promote every creative work either Art, music, acting, modeling, fashion designing, Choreography, photography and every other creative work to the public view. “note„ The Caffe Fashion Blog is for an index public view and not to be abused. Registered
Traded Trademarked signature Signed by Joshua King Bolatunji imahfidon [The Rastafari King] "&" The Prolific King Of Ewohimi Kingdom for The Caffè Fashion Online Blog.
The Caffè Fashion Blog Global "&" Universal
Mainly Creativity Works.

Curtesy The Caffè Fashion Blog Global "&" Universal.