Craig Horner - Legend Of The Seeker [Swordsman and a musician]
Legend of the seeker is an American series adventorus, romance, sword and sorcery, supernatural,fantasy film was first pened to paper as a novel book titled the sword of truth by Terry goodkind.
Terry goodkind is an American comterorary suspense novel writer from Omaha,Nebraska, united state
Legend of the seeker is an American series adventurous, romance, sword and sorcery, supernatural, fantasy film was first penned to paper as a novel book titled the sword of truth by Terry goodkind.
Terry goodkind is an American contemrorary suspense novel writer from Omaha, Nebraska, united state
Richard cypher shows it extra-ordinary craftinesss in the usage of a sword shows he’s swordsmanship is well perfected and he’s ability to perfectly control he’s powers in defeating and stoping the ancient tyrant from unleashing evil to the planet earth makes this movie legendary.

First episode date - November 1, 2008
Final episode date: May 22, 2010